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Monday Morning Newsletter - June 23rd, 2008 browser edition 

New Release of DJEP Software

DJ Event Planner has now officially released Version 4.2 of the web's premiere special event management software.

Significant upgrades were make to the Venue, Employee, and Equipment sections, inlcuding the addition of many new information fields. There are also several new user-interface improvements that will make the application behave more like a desktop application.

Leading the list of new functionality for multi-op companies is the addition of employee activity tracking reports. You can now see exactly what your employees have been doing on the DJEP system.

Full list of new features

Look out Chicago, here comes DJEP!

The summer Mobile Beat Convention will be held July 14th through the 16th in Chicago, Illinois. We will be an exhibitor at the show and look forward to seeing everyone there. Full show passes are still available for as little as $119.

Chicago DJ Convention Information

Helpful Links:
About DJEP
Website Tools Demos
US/Canada DJ Search Engine

Mind Your Manners: Discussion Forum Etiquette

* Stay on topic. Identify what the original poster commented on and stick to that subject. Start a new thread if you want to talk about something else.
* Think twice before hitting the submit button. It's best to re-read your post before posting it to the forum.
* Be civil. Personal attacks are not acceptable. Do not post private information about anyone without their consent.
* Play by the rules of the forum owners and moderators. Moderation of your comments is not a violation of your First Ammendment rights!
* Use the search button before you post a new thread. Any forum that has been around a while has already covered most topics at least once or twice.
* Do not register for multiple accounts
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DJ Event Planner Inc. * 302 West 4th Street * Morris, Minnesota 56267