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Monday Morning Newsletter - November 25th, 2007 browser edition 

The latest version of DJ Event Planner has been released

Several major new features were introduced, including an all-new Equipment management and assignment system. You can now assign specific pieces of equipment to Systems or manage them as stand-alone items. This is especially useful for Multi-Ops, but can be helpful to Single-Ops when providing extra equipment for an event. You can now schedule appointment reminder emails to be sent out to clients, reminding them of upcoming meetings. There are also new daily administrative and employee notifications for appointments.


Web Hosting Now Available!

If you prefer to have your website hosted by a small company that will personally assist you with your website hosting needs, contact Troy at DJ Event Planner. Hosting packages are available that start at $10.00 per month. Options include:

* Control Panel
* Web-Mail
* Knowledgeable support
* Assistance getting your website up and running or migrated from another host
* Enough storage space and bandwidth for a typical DJ website
* Rock-solid Windows Server 2003 hosting
* Custom solutions

For more information:

DJEP attends Northern DJ Conference

DJ Event Planner was an active participant at the 2007 Northern DJ Conference this past October in Bloomington, Minnesota. On Sunday night, DJEP hosted the first-ever DJEP hospitality suite. Over 60 people stopped by for some refreshments and pizza. DJEP also had a booth on the conference floor. One of the presenters was Adrian Cavlan, who flew in from California to give a seminar on the processes involved in running a multi-system DJ company. Adrian is a heavy user of the DJ Event Planner software and made metnion of the software MANY times during his presentation. Thanks for good press Adrian!

Helpful Links:
DJ Event Planner
DJ Website Tools
djfinder search engine

Holiday Music Ideas
Billboard's Greatest Christmas Hits
Now That's What I Call Christmas
WCBS Ultimate Christmas Album
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