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Monday Morning Newsletter - July 30th, 2007 browser edition 

This year's keynote speakers include...

Have Your Best Year Ever!

Eric Taylor is part Bryan Dodge, and part Jeffery Gitomer. You will get a strong motivational speaker who will help you get make 2008 your best year ever! Eric was part owner in one of the most successful multi-system dj companies in New Jersey before taking his knowledge of sales/marketing/motivational speaking on the road to change lives.

Top Performer: A Bold Approach To Sales & Service

Top Performer is about what is perhaps the most powerful force in the entertainment and sales world, Natural Energy - the force that gave birth to every new entrepreneurial venture and successful performance. Natural Energy is that unstoppable power that is unleashed in every authentic human interaction; which is what a disc jockey does, each and every night. It is created in those deep connections that free people to leap forward into new possibilities. You will learn how to tap that power to improve your show and improve your performance.

High Trust Selling

The High Trust Selling program includes 14 Laws of Selling to help people supercharge their selling techniques and take control of their lives. High Trust Selling is packed with the insights, illustrations and practical advice that has boosted seminar attendees to sales productivity level increases as high as 300%. This session is presented by nationally know corporate trainer Todd McDonald of INJOY and MAXIMUM Impact.

Helpful Links:
Disc Jockey News
Holiday Inn Select - Bloomington

Important Dates:
8/1:  Registration Discount Ends
10/28:  Convention Check In
10/29:  Headline Speakers
10/30:  Breakout Sessions

Attend the Convention:
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