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Monday Morning Newsletter - May 21st, 2007 browser edition 

Internationalization, Inbox Tracking, Employee Additions

The latest update for DJ Event Planner has now been released: Version 3.6. There have been several features added for international users, including the ability to switch between 3 currency symbols (dollar/euro/pound), and customization of address fields specifically for users in the United Kingdom. To help keep track of incoming leads, the inbox now displays tracking icons for leads that you have responded to and added to the system. You can now assign up to 5 employees per event and a few options have been added for employees.


Camp Mobile Beat: Camp for DJs?

There won't be any tents, but it will be a relaxed atmosphere for the 2007 Mobile Beat Summer Show in Sturbridge, Massachusetts. DJ Event Planner will be an exhibitor at the convention and looks forward to meeting current users and to showing off the cool new features to those that attend. The dates of the show are June 25th through the 28th.


Text Message Notifications

If you put the request for information form on your website, you can have the information delivered directly to your cell phone via a text message. The name, telephone number, date and type of the event will be instantly delivered to your phone after your website visitor clicks the submit button. The information will also be emailed to you and stored in the DJEP inbox. The text message will allow you to respond to your clients instantly, even when you are away from your computer.

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DJ Event Planner * 302 West 4th Street * Morris, Minnesota 56267