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Monday Morning Newsletter - April 30th, 2007 browser edition 

Additional Planning Forms, Group Calendars, and Internationalization

Today marks the official release of Version 3.5 of the DJ Event Planner software. The biggest change is the introduction of additional planning forms for clients. These additional planning forms can be used for things like expanded introductions, trivia questionnaires, love story forms, or anything else you can come up with.


DJEP Goes Global?

Since the Internet reaches people around the globe, it was bound to happen eventually. We now have users from a few countries outside the United States. A warm welcome goes out to Nick from New Zealand, Glenn from Australia, and JT from Canada. The latest DJEP release includes some changes made to deal with the addressing differences between the countries.

Support Guidelines

The recommended method for technical support for DJ Event Planner is through the support forum. This helps keep track of your issue should one arise. To access the forum, log on to DJEP, click on the support link, and then the forum link. Unless you have a service contract, support is limited to one person per company. Employee support or training is available for an additional fee.

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DJ Event Planner * 302 West 4th Street * Morris, Minnesota 56267