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Monday Morning Newsletter - April 9th, 2007 browser edition 

Enhance Your Website

Tonight is the first ever DJ Event Planner Tele-Conference. Troy Ackerman, the founder and developer will be on hand to explain how to integrate the DJ Website Tools into your website. Troy will take your questions and walk everyone through the process of setting up the tools that DJ Event Planner offers.

DJEP Tele-Conference
Date: Monday, April 9th, 2007
Time: 7:00pm Central
Telephone: 712.451.6100
Pin: 704973#

Web Hosting: Cheapest Solution?

If you are looking for cheap web hosting by a large company, GoDaddy has several hosting plans available starting at $4.00 a month.

If you prefer to have your website hosted by a small company that will personally assist you with your website hosting needs, contact Troy at DJ Event Planner. Hosting packages are available that start at $10.00 per month. Options include:

* Control Panel
* Web-Mail
* Knowledgeable support
* Assistance getting your website up and running or migrated from another host
* Enough storage space and bandwidth for a typical DJ website
* Rock-solid Windows Server 2003 hosting
* Custom solutions

For more information:

Manage a Multi-Op Company with DJEP

The DJ Event Planner software is an ideal tool to use in the management of employees. The software features:

* 3 Levels of Employee Logons: Administator, Salesperson, and DJ
* Separate calendars for each employee
* Availability checking
* Time-Off Management
* Appointment scheduling
* Customizable welcome screen
* Planning form access

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Alanis Morissette
Satire of "My Humps" Watch the Flash video demo Watch the video

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DJ Event Planner * 302 West 4th Street * Morris, Minnesota 56267