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Monday Morning Newsletter - March 2nd, 2009 browser edition 

Mobile Beat Convention Booth features DJEP Users

For the third year in a row, DJ Event Planner was an exhibitor at the Mobile Beat convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. This year's show featured night-time performances by Otis Day and Vanilla Ice. Day time seminars were given by Jim Cerone, Mike Walter, Jorge Lopez, Andy Ebon, and several others. The Riviera Casino once again played host to the convention.

Official numbers indicate that the number of attendees at this year's show were down just a bit from previous years. That's pretty good, considering lots of conventions have seen 30-40% declines in attendance this year. The quality of the attendees this year was very high because those that did make it to the show were very serious about their businesses.

DJ Event Planner had a private room staffed by four of our very own users. Dawson Deyo, the outgoing consummate salesman, flew in from New Jersey to help at the booth. He was joined by Brian Hines, who is a snappy dresser and really nice guy, flew in from Charlotte, North Carolina to help. Eric Wenning came from Pennsylvania and let his artistic skills shine on the DJEP sign. James Mennes, from the Phoenix area, also helped out and was low key and super nice to hang out with. In addition, Danny and Melissa Brewer, from Birmingham, Alabama, gave a stellar presentation at the DJEP roundtable on Tuesday afternoon. Thanks to all of these fine folks for their assistance!

DJEP Secures Special Discount For 2009 Disc Jockey News Conference

The 2009 Disc Jockey News Conference will be held at the Sheraton Hotel In Minneapolis. This years convention has been moved up to June 15th through the 17th. This year's theme is: Hands-On Workshops.

Featured presenters include: Mike Walter, Ken Day, Tom Guetzke, Dean Carlson, Ron Ruth, Kelly Suit, Bill Lage and Bill Hermann. There will be quite a few hands on seminars including: DJing on a Mac, DMX Lighting Programming, Performance Blocks, and Online Event Planning Tools.

More Information about the conference

DJ Event Planner has secured a special discount for this event. However, you must register in the next 2 days by clicking on the following link:

Save $70 On DJNC Pass

Using A Competing Product? Switch To DJEP!

Are you still using something else besides DJ Event Planner to manage your business? We've had quite a few new users that have migrated from outdated desktop applications or competing web based applications. These new users like the ease of use and they love the Employee and Equipment management system. They also like the integration of the website tools into their lead tracking and client management system. They also love the fact that we listen to their suggestions for new features and that we are constantly updating the software.

If you are using something else, contact us for a free no-obligation telephone demo of the DJEP application. We have written data migration algorithms for several popular programs and may be able to migrate your data.

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DJ Event Planner Inc. * 504 North 4th Street * Marshall, Minnesota 56258