
General Musings Archives

January 26, 2007

It is ALIVE!

This is my first ever official blog entry. Wow. Despite having the skills to actually program web software like this, I've never taken the time to even demo any blog software. I almost feel retro joining the blogging revolution.

The goal of this blog is to chronicle the trials, tribulations, and features of the software that I've spent years creating. One of my first blog entries should be the background of how I started the software project known as djfinder, DJ Event Planner, or just "my full-time hobby".

I'll keep the first post short and sweet and sign off for now. Cheers!

February 1, 2007

Recommended Browser: Firefox

The usage of the Mozilla Firefox browser continues to grow. Firefox is an alternative to Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser, also known as IE. The market share of Firefox is over 16%, For some current browser statistics go here.

Continue reading "Recommended Browser: Firefox" »

About General Musings

This page contains an archive of all entries posted to DJ Event Planner in the General Musings category. They are listed from oldest to newest.

Feature Of The Week is the previous category.

Monday Morning Newsletter is the next category.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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