
DJ Website Tools Archives

January 28, 2007

DJ Website Tools Demo Video

I just finished creating the first ever DJ Website Tools demo video. After a brief into, I posted a few screenshots for folks to get a feel for some of the DJEP Website Tools. I thought that it would be easy to be short and sweet. My first version of the copy was 4 and 1/2 minutes. After some major editing I got the video down to about 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

Watch the Flash video demo
Watch The Video

While it isn't as polished as I wanted, I do feel pretty good with actually finishing the video. It was quite a bit of work to install/configure all of the software tools, to write the copy, find the background music, record the narration, and then finally to produce it.

The audio levels were a little hot because of the lack of control that I have on my production PC. I was able to use my beloved Audio-Technica mic to record the track. The A-T sounded way better than the My Little Sony microphone I found in my electronics stash. What I really need is one of those inexpensive USB mixers. I can't really justify a high-end sound card for my home PC. My DJ PC already has one of those.

About DJ Website Tools

This page contains an archive of all entries posted to DJ Event Planner in the DJ Website Tools category. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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