New Features
* Vendor links. You can now attach vendors to events. You can send them emails with dynamically generated templates/planning forms.
* Vendor email tracking. Emails that you send to vendors are now tracked.
* Email Attachment Preview/Edit. You can now preview an attachment from the compose email form. More importantly, you can edit the attachment before you send it out. VERY COOL NEW ADDITION
* Sent messages now keeps track of HTML Message attachments that you send out. This is very helpful for keeping track of your communication with clients. For example: you can see the exact copy of the contract that you sent a client.
* Client Changelog: a memo field has been added to the client information record to keep track of changes that are made by them. So far, what it keeps track of is changes (by the client) to their Contact Information via the client portal. This is useful in the incredibly unlikely and rare instance of a client trying to sabotage their own contact information.
* Ability to determine who is able to log on based on the status of their event.
* Field Replacements: company: name, contact, address, city, state, zipcode, telephone, email, and website were added
* Field Replacement: hours_of_service - an integer value the represents the number of hours difference between the start time and the end time of the event
* Email Templates: Not Available, Booking Confirmation, Post Event Thank You, Employee Notification, Inquiry Follow Up, Event Planner Account, Invoice, Initial Inqury...were all added. They get added once to your email template list.
* The bookedby_name field was added to list of exportable data fields. Due to programming limitations, the sort and filter cannot be applied to exports of this field.
* Several small design improvements/fixes were made for the Client portal. The code was optimized for faster loading and display.
* Company/Employee notification emails of Client actions have been vastly improved. Every email now contains information about the client/event and some details about the change/message.
* There is now an option to display the events the a specific addon is assigned to
* There is now an option to display the events the a specific packages are assigned to
* Second address line added to request information form
* Added employee home telephone to list of replacements supported
* Replacements for initial contact date, contract sent date, due date, and date booked are now available in the following formats: short, medium, and long
* In the past when a client with multiple events logged on, they would be presented with a list of dates that they could click on. Now, besides just the date, the name of the package is also displayed. This is helpful if you are selling them two packages or if for example they booked your DJ services, but not your video services.
* The booking helper options now include the ability to set the initial contact date, contract sent date, contract due date, and date booked to the current date or a date (up to 30 days) into the future.
* The title on the client event planning form "Planning Form:" has been changed. Now just appears.
* Event Planning Forms: for radio button question, a default answer is no longer mandated when the form is first displayed.
* The employee email list that appears when you click the employees button from the compose email has changed. Instead of displaying the email addresses of all of the employees, it only displays the email addresses of those employees that have not been disabled.
* Initial DJEP registration now requires the user to enter their first name and last name. This was implemented so that an employee with that name is automatically added when the account is generated.
DB Changes
* Added changelog field to client table
* Added contacts_events_linker table
* Added add email_sent_to_contacts table
* Added email_attachment_text and email_attachment_name to email message details table
* Added admin_email_templates
Addition of email templates
* Event Planner updates by clients were not sending email notifications for all changes
* Fixed a few miscellaneous bugs and did a great deal of code refactoring