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Version 5.5 Released

Version 5.5

On Monday morning DJ Event Planner officially released Version 5.5 of the software. For this release 35 new features, updates, and tweaks were added.

(NEW) Stored Documents - save documents for later recall

(NEW) POP3 Inbox - access your POP3 email account directly from DJEP

(NEW) Import Data - upload CSV/XLS files of Clients, Equipment, Venues, and Contacts.

Booking Helper - increased number of booking helpers to 50, new Next Action date settings, send email to specific email address, and assignment of planning forms.

Custom Reports - configure date filters based on current date (useful for weekly reports), user-friendly display names for field selector, and interface updated.

Trip Tracker - many updates including the ability to tie a trip to a specific event.

Other Changes:

  • employee availability popup interface updated
  • scheduled email settings based on employee role
  • music database importer now more flexible
  • next action rollover if not completed
  • related files
  • client type now fully integrated
  • new payments received column for financial reports
  • printer and email icons added to event information page
To see a list of all of the changes, visit the support forum.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 2, 2011 9:18 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Monday Morning Newsletter: March 7th, 2011.

The next post in this blog is Monday Morning Newsletter: May 2nd, 2011.

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