DJEP Training at MBLV
This year we will be offering several mini-seminars in the DJEP demo room. The location will be Capri 105, right across from the exhibit hall. Here is the schedule...
Tuesday, Feburary 9th, 2010
* 1:00 pm - DJEP 101 - This session is targeted at those that are considering DJEP or are just getting started with the program and want an overview of the functions.
* 2:00 pm - Enhance Your Website! In this session you will learn about the various website tools that DJEP offers and how you can integrate into your own site.
* 3:00 pm - Contracts Ahoy! We will go over how the the DJEP Document template system works and how to properly use merge tags.
* 4:00 pm - Idiots Guide to Reports. The report system in DJEP is very powerful. If you'd like to figure out how to configure custom reports you'll want to attend.
* 5:00 pm - Pimp Your DJEP Account - Danny Brewer, a DJEP user that knows the ins and outs of the software will share advanced level tips that will maximize the effectiveness of you marketing efforts and office workflow.