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February 2010 Archives

February 5, 2010

DJEP Training: Mobile Beat DJ Convention

DJEP Training at MBLV

This year we will be offering several mini-seminars in the DJEP demo room. The location will be Capri 105, right across from the exhibit hall. Here is the schedule...

Tuesday, Feburary 9th, 2010

* 1:00 pm - DJEP 101 - This session is targeted at those that are considering DJEP or are just getting started with the program and want an overview of the functions.
* 2:00 pm - Enhance Your Website! In this session you will learn about the various website tools that DJEP offers and how you can integrate into your own site.
* 3:00 pm - Contracts Ahoy! We will go over how the the DJEP Document template system works and how to properly use merge tags.
* 4:00 pm - Idiots Guide to Reports. The report system in DJEP is very powerful. If you'd like to figure out how to configure custom reports you'll want to attend.
* 5:00 pm - Pimp Your DJEP Account - Danny Brewer, a DJEP user that knows the ins and outs of the software will share advanced level tips that will maximize the effectiveness of you marketing efforts and office workflow.

About February 2010

This page contains all entries posted to DJ Event Planner in February 2010. They are listed from oldest to newest.

January 2010 is the previous archive.

January 2011 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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